No matter where you are in your walk with Jesus, we believe it is important to have a solid foundation for your faith. Whether your next step is getting to know God better, connecting with the Body of Christ, or simply taking a first step by coming to faith in Jesus, we’re here to help you take that step.
Matthew 7:24
We believe we were created for community! Every one of us desires to belong and to be known by others. Part of growing in our relationship with Christ is through fellowship with other believers and through the comfort and encouragement that comes with Christian community. Connect in a group today!
John 13:34-35
At FishHawk Fellowship Church, we are committed to developing people – not just programs. One of the ways we want to help you grow in your walk with Jesus is by helping you Discover Your Purpose. We offer a class that will help you discover how God has uniquely gifted you for the work of ministry.
1 Peter 4:10
Whatever gifts and talents you may have, there’s a place for you to serve not just here at FFC, but in the Kingdom! God created us “for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).” We have so many opportunities for you to serve and to use your God given gifts to impact the lives of others!
Romans 12:1
15326 FishHawk Blvd. Lithia, FL 33547
Sundays | 9:30 & 11:15 AM